Connect to database


Description of connection definition. Free text.


Communication protocol for arranging network data flow. In case of "Local" value, the application is working in "embeded database" mode. In this case in "Database file, alias or remote access:" field has to give the path and the name of database file, in "Embeded server DLL path:" field has to give the path and name of FBEmbed.DLL, included in Firebird Bin folder. The defauult value is: TCP/IP

Server name

The network name or IP address of computer including Firebird database server. In case of Firebird server and FireFace application are in the same computer, it is possible to use "localhost" identifier name or IP address In case of Firebird database server is in a remote computer, then need to give network name or IP address of remote computer. Default value:


Firebird SQL server dialect. Its value can be Dialect 1 or Dialect 3. Default value: Dialect 3

Database file, alias or remote access

It is necessary to give here a database file name with its path on the remote computer or in case of Firebird the alias identification name or network path of database file defined in aliases.conf file.


Database file given by direct path, where path includes path according to remote computer (in embedded mode the local computer):


In case of IP protocol, the path definition of database file:

[] ":"\test\test.fdb\\





In case of NetBEUI protocol, the definition is the following:

<\\Database Server Name> [] "\"







In case of SPX protocol the definition is the following:

[] "@"\test\test.fdb\\




Embeded server DLL path

In case of using embedded database the path of FBEmbed.DDL server file.

User name

Database login name. Default value: SYSDBA


Database login password. Lower-upper case sensitive. Default value: masterkey

Role name

Database role name.

Character set name

Database character set name. Default value: UTF8

Transaction mode

Database transaction mode. Default: Read commited

Client DLL type

FBClient.DLL or GDS32.DLL file name. The application searches the given DLL type in the Windows search path of application. Default value: Firebird FBClient.DLL

Custom client DLL

In case of "Client DLL type = Custom client DLL" value it is possible to give directly the file name and path of client DLL file.

[|{border:1px solid #aaa;padding:5px;C:#F2F2F2}

`{c:#CC3104;font:bold 16px Corbel;}Warning!`\\

`{c:#CC3104;font:14px Corbel;}Warning! If you use the application of 32bit you have to use the FBClient.ddl file's or the GDS32.dll file's version of 32bit. But if you use the application of 64bit you have to use the FBClient.ddl file's or the GDS32.dll file's version of 64bit.`\\


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